
Wedding Budget – Per Person or Per Drink Bar

On December 26, 2014 by Debbie Fecek

“Consumption” vs “Per Person” Based Bar Bills: Is one Better?

For a wedding budget, I almost always prefer a per person charge bar bill rather than a per drink bar bill. What are my reasons? Read on!

  • Drinks Per person is easy to calculate and based on number of guests age 21 and over. A cheaper per person cost will usually be charged for those under 21 years of age to include non-alcoholic beverages.
  • With a per person charge, the cost only fluctuates if you change the number of guests and/or the type of bar selection you want to offer your guests. Otherwise, the cost is fixed.
  • Be aware! Consumption based bar bills can get out of hand quickly (wedding budget wise) since it is more difficult to accurately budget for how much your guests will actually drink.
  • Consumption based bar bills can be quite stressful…you don’t want to have to worry the whole night about half-drank libations prematurely being removed by wait staff causing your guests to grab another one at the bar.
    • Additionally, what if Aunt Sally places her fresh drink down on a table before using the restroom or running to the dance floor….and then can’t remember where she placed it? She will just grab another new drink, and you will be charged for both. Oh NO!Drinks 05
  • Conclusion = Consumption based bar bills add up quickly due to forgotten drinks and (not to say your venue is out to rip you off…but…they do need to make money….) questionable drink tracking methods.  This decision will be critical to keeping within your wedding budget.

At the end of the day, the decision is whatever you choose,

And your guests will be happy so long as there’s booze!